Acceptance rate: 61.24%
Time to First Decision: 1 week
Review Time: 3 weeks
Publication Time: 2 weeks
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Title: Indonesian Journal of Electronics, Electromedical Engineering, and Medical Informatics |
The Indonesian Journal of Electronics, Electromedical Engineering, and Medical Informatics, (IJEEEMI), is a peer-reviewed open-access journal. The journal invites scientists and engineers throughout the world to exchange and disseminate theoretical and practice-oriented topics which covers three (3) majors areas of research that includes but not limited to: (1) Electronics, (2) Biomedical Engineering, and (3) Medical Informatics. Submitted papers must be written in English for an initial review stage by editors and further review process by a minimum of two reviewers. We intend to maintain, improve the high standards of excellence, visibility, and further development of the journal. The goal is to be indexed in the Scopus and the Web of Science in the next year, with the continuous increasing the quality of the journal articles and visibility of the journal.
A submitted paper should be an original work, and should not have been presented or published previously. Submission for publication in this journal presumes that the paper is not being considered for publication elsewhere and is not under review by any other publication. All articles undergo a thorough evaluation process while following all ethical guidelines to maintain the highest publishing standards. The IJEEEMI team strictly reviews the suitability, originality of manuscripts for publication.